DTS - Distributed Temperatures Sensor

Distributed Temperatures Sensor - Long Distance is our innovative Fiber Optic based sensor able to detect all the distributed Temperatures existing along the entire Fiber Optic Cable, until maximum of 25 km length with a Temperature-Resolution until 0.1 °C and a space-resolution until 1 meters.

This Application, based on RAMAN effect, is a breakingtrough technology able to open new opportunities in Heating Control and Tempe-ratures Monitoring Processes in hazard environ-ments.

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Distributed Temperatures Sensor

This new technology is our innovative Fiber Optic based sensor able to detect all the distributed Temperatures existing along the entire Fiber Optic Cable, until maximum of 25 km length with a Temperature-Resolution until 0.1 °C and a space-resolution until 1 meters.


Distributed Temperatures Sensor

Short Distance is our innovative Fiber Optic based Sensor able to detect all the distributed Temperatures existing along the entire Fiber Optic Cable, until maximum of 10 km length with a Temperature-Resolution until 0.1 °C and a Space-Resolution until 1 meters. Field of Application: Tunnels


Distributed Temperatures Sensor

High Temperature is our innovative Fiber Optic based Sensor, able to detect all the distributed Temperatures existing along the entire Fiber Optic Cable, until maximum of 5 km length with a Temperature-Resolution until 0.1 °C a Space-Resolution until 2 meters and an operative Temperature range of 350 °C. Hot-spot detection until a 750°C (but only for a short-time).



To detect oil leakage the sensor must be installed under the pipeline, (often underground) and when a leakage of oil is occurring the system will detect a change in temperature's level in that specific area. Usually there are permanent differences between temperatures of oil and underground but due to season's cycle and different environmental areas crossed by pipeline, it's necessary to fit the sensor to the environment as well as possible to clean our detection from potential fake-alarms.


Drilling activities in Oil & Gas market need to know the vertical thermal profile of the underground at different depths. The best solution to get such information is to use a DTS fiber optic system based on RAMAN effect. DTS detects all the distributed temperatures, meter by meter, up top 10 Km and more, with a spatial resolution of 1 meter, with a temperature resolution of 0.1 °C.. We are available to develop customize DTS system in relation with drilling's needs and moreover in relationship with environmental condition during drilling activities: on-field system with appropriate power unit and other potable tools.


Temperatures monitoring and fire detection on floating-roof oil tank is for us a standard activity. Year after year consumption and corrosion of the gasket of the floating-roof can generate some leaks of hot-gas, coming from the inner part of tank and passing through the holes of the gasket, generating a potential risk of fire-triggering on the roof. For this reason it's really important to check in real time the temperatures on the roof to understand in time when there is danger leaks of hot-gasses.


Auto-combustion of coal:
Often the coal coming from the boat has high temperatures inside and sometime it start an auto-combustion process. For this reason it's very important to detect temperatures and hot-spot along the coal conveyor, before that coal arrive to the hopper.
Mechanical friction:
Mechanical gears of a coal conveyor are subjected to overheating process due to mechanical friction aggravated by the "packing effect" of the coal posed around the gear that doesn't let go away the heat generated by mechanical friction.


Temperatures detection on power cables for long distances For installation on high-voltage and medium-voltage distribution net, is useful to install our DTS fiber optic application that is able to cover big distances up to 25 km and more and to detect all the distributed temperatures existing on the cable and not only the hotspot. Fiber Optic is immune to electromagnetic fields and can be easily inserted directly in the power cable.


Using our DTS system is possible to detect potential leakage of water from the front-wall of the dams. Water Leakage Detection it's realized by analyzing the temperatures changes occurring on the wall. This is an indirect type of detection but it's almost sure that temperatures changes on the wall are related to water leakage or other critical problems occurring on the wall and this needs accurate analysis. With DTS system is possible to create the entire thermal profile of the wall, starting from the top it's possible to install the fiber optical cable in many different ways to cover the surface as preferred.


In many countries tunnel's safety is under national regulations; in many European countries fiber optic technology has been selected as one of the best solution for fire detection. Our DTS system is able to detect all the temperatures distributed along the tunnels until 25 Km /each instrument. It's possible to know in real time all the temperatures meter by meter and to receive alarms in case of hot-spot everywhere along the tunnel and moreover we always know where is located the hot-spot. For this reason DTS solution is used for medium/long tunnel because we need to know where is the heat-source in an accurate way.


Fire detection: please take a look at high-way tunnels applications. Railway tunnels have similar fire detection requirements of highway tunnels. We provide two different applications: FCT for short tunnels; DTS for medium/ long tunnels, up to 25 Km and more.